2/ Mixed Emotions


Narratives : Priva Michelle

Jan 22, 9:03AM

On October 7th, an unsettling heaviness gripped my stomach as I mindlessly scrolled through Instagram and TikTok. The shocking images that unfolded before me surpassed anything I could have fathomed witnessing in my lifetime, particularly on social media platforms.

As I delved deeper into the content, the realization struck that these distressing videos marked the onset of a war in Israel—a country that had woven its way into the fabric of my heart, with people who held a special place in it.

Reflecting on my year spent in Israel through a Masa program, the gravity of the situation hit me. My heart ached not only for friends but also for strangers who shared a connection through this conflict. The harsh reality is that everyone is intricately linked; each person has a tie to someone who has either lost their life or is currently held hostage. The bonds forged during my time in Israel intensified the personal impact of the conflict, magnifying my concerns for the safety and well-being of those I deeply care about.

In the face of this crisis, I find myself grappling with a mix of emotions—worry, sorrow, and a profound sense of helplessness. The stark contrast between the joyous moments of my time in Israel and the current turmoil serves as a poignant reminder of life's unpredictability and the unforeseen challenges that can arise.

As we navigate these trying times, my thoughts are with the people of Israel, their resilience, and the hope for a resolution to a conflict that has disrupted so many lives.

Transitioning to my daily life at school, I struggled to muster enthusiasm. Every day, I longed to be in Israel. The apparent lack of concern around me—no emails from teachers and an indifferent faculty—was disheartening. The absence of acknowledgment stung, and my solace came from connecting with fellow Jewish individuals who shared a similar sense of sadness.

While some friends have asked about it, their understanding only scratches the surface. It's a sustained sadness I carry, and as the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, witnessing widespread hatred against the Jewish people is a painful reality I never thought I would experience.

It's crucial to acknowledge the profound impact on both sides of the conflict. While I grieve for the Jewish lives affected, I also hold empathy for the Palestinians who have lost their lives. In war, casualties abound, but each life lost is meaningful, irrespective of the side.

In solidarity with my people and the country I love, I will stand firm.



Mixed Emotions

Priva Michelle is the daughter of Jewmanity founder, Belinda Donner.

Priva Michelle has a namesake label, which is a testament to the Jewish people's enduring spirit and solemn promise to make the world better. The collection is not just about fashion; it's about a message of hope, unity, and strength. Each piece is a reminder of the extraordinary power that comes from knowing and honoring one's roots.

Find the collection here.


3/ brianna lopez


1/ what is left unsaid