1/ what is left unsaid


Narratives: BElinda Donner

Jan 17, 8:31 PM

I recently had an experience with a friend, or rather, it felt more like the absence of an experience. Our connection had been deepened over years of shared Shabbat dinners and intimate moments in each other's lives. However, when the events unfolded in Israel, I found myself waiting for her outreach, a simple inquiry about my well-being. My daughter, Priva, had even been living in Israel for the past year. Still, there was only silence. The unspoken acknowledgment of the situation left me feeling overlooked, isolated, and confused.

Questions started to surface—was this silence a reflection of rising antisemitism, or did people find it challenging to address the proverbial elephant in the room? I felt a profound hurt, a longing for compassion that every individual deserves. I firmly believe that we don't need to align on "sides" or "politics" to extend basic respect and compassion. It should be inherent to reach out to a close friend or neighbor when they are going through a tough time, offering, at the very least, a nod of acknowledgment. This, I believe, is the foundation of creating safe communities and truly honoring each other.

Yet, despite this belief, many individuals choose silence. The reluctance to engage in moments of difficulty raises broader questions about our collective ability to empathize and support one another. In these moments, when personal experiences intersect with global events, a simple gesture of acknowledgment can bridge gaps and foster understanding.

Embarking on this new platform journey stems from my daily reflections on the challenging state of affairs in Israel. As I scroll through news updates, the hope for positive developments in the ongoing conflict becomes a daily ritual.

Beyond my personal experiences, there's a broader issue of insufficient public education on the complexities of the Middle East. This blog aims to fill that gap by fostering a deeper understanding of the region. While commendable movements like "Break the Hate" and "Stand Up to Jewish Hate" exist, there's a need to go beyond advocating for Israel or highlighting Palestinian narratives. This new platform seeks to provide comprehensive insights and encourage informed discussions.

The world's current state, especially within our country, raises concerns not only for the Jewish community but for everyone. Through this platform, I hope to shed light on multifaceted realities, emphasizing the peaceful coexistence of different religious communities within Israel and promoting a more informed dialogue about the broader geopolitical landscape.



What is left unsaid

Belinda Donner is the founder of Jewmanity.
Read more about her


2/ Mixed Emotions