Perspectives corner:

 Discover. Reflect. Engage.


  • Take a moment of introspection. Journey through your memories. Consider the moments that shaped you and the decisions that defined you. As you look back, think about not just what happened, but how it transformed you, what you learned, and why your story needs to be heard. This is more than just recounting events; it's about uncovering the deeper narrative of your journey.

  • We will feature a wide array of Perspectives, not only in subject matter, and diversity of opinion, but also format. We invite you to submit reflections, narratives, insights and inquiries, or tell us who we should spotlight.

  • We are here to explore, question and make mistakes together. This is not a space for objective truth but rather a space to celebrate nuance through connection. We ask you to take a few deep breaths and ground within yourself before you write to us.